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Molybdenum / Tungsten 99.95% Purity Sputtering Target

时间:2015年11月04日 16:23:12  【加入收藏夹】【举报】【关闭
This is LUOYANG SIFON Electronic Material from China.

We are professional supplier of magnetron sputtering coating material targets , we can provide all kinds of metal targets,

alloy targets, and oxide ceramic targets for costomers(ITO/AZO/ATO/GZO/IGZO).

SIFON is the leading company in Rotary & Planar sputtering targets for Solar Cell (A-Si , CIGS, CdTe), Touch Panel,

Low-E Glass, TFT-LCD and tool coating industry business.
1、Ceramic targets:AZO、GZO、IZO、ITO、IGZO、IZO、GZO、ATO、ZnO、ZnMgO、TiO2、Nb2O3、MgF2、SnO2、CdS...ect;
2、Metal targets:Cu、Al、Ag、Cr、Mo、Ti、Ni...ect;
3、Alloy targets:NiV、CuNi、NiCr、Al-alloy、Cu-alloy、Ni-alloy、MoNa、CuGa、CuInGa、CIGS...ect;
4、Application of medical device coating Cu Alloy
5、EC WO3、NiO、W、Ni、Li

We can offer not only top quality product, good scervice, but also the most competitive price.

We are familiar with the characteristics of various coating target materials

support and coating design, also can develop the special alloy materials as customer request. If any questions,welcome to

discuss the exchange.

Contact person:Jason Kong
Tel:+86 188 379 82920
Emai: konglingfang@lysifon.com
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